Just a note to say that I am amazed at the resourcefulness of young people.
I was asked to provide an opening workshop to a group of student governors about 2 weeks ago now and I wasn't sure what I would encounter.
I was postively surprised to find a group of around fifty 18-20 year olds who were inspiring role models to others, who wanted to put themselves out and were ambitious for their futures.
The political spin in the media would have us all believe that young people are just interested in hurting themselves and others, that groups of young people should be seen as threatening and that inner city youth is past caring about.
I am delighted to say that my opinion differs, there is a body
(probably the majority) of young people who provide me with a bright image of the future, I just hope that they are supported to find their way through to it.
As we get older unless we have children this age, it becomes easy to see them as "the other" so different to ourselves, this is a mistake... take an opportunity to connect with a young person today, you'll be surprised, perhaps inspired, defintely challenged and ultimately I believe you will come away feeling better about the world.
enabling illumiation through reflexion